Thursday, November 15, 2012

It's The Busiest Time Of The Year

When I was a kid, I never really understood the term "Time flies when you are having fun".  After all, it did seem like a million years until Christmas came!  Apparently, once you become a mom, the world's time clock shifts into overdrive and suddenly you are fighting and clinging to every day as it slips away into the chaos of everyday life.

My Three Blessings
It is so SO easy to get caught up in the daily grind.  Get kids up, get 'em fed and dressed, pack their lunches, make sure they have all their homework, bring band gear, run errands, get dinner ready, pick up kids, homework and then tuck them into bed as you fall asleep 20 minutes after they do.  It is hard for me to believe that we have finished 1/3 of our school year already.  It seems like yesterday they were getting ready for their first day.  *sigh*  Time really does fly!

School, karate, scouts, YMCA Princesses...the list just doesn't end!
Here are some of the things we have done this month!  We've had a Literature Day event at school, we went and spent a really fun day in Old Town San Diego, Z lost another tooth (actually pulled it out herself) and we had a pretty good scare one day when A's eyesight went nutty and we thought she was losing her eyesight.  I write these things down now, because in a month I won't actively remember them like I do right now.  With three kids and a an equally busy husband, the memories are made so fast and furious, that my inadequate memory bank can only hold so much at a time!

All the things Z is thankful for this year

I know that my kids won't remember all the details from past month either, but I continue to hope that I am contributing to a positive and loving childhood that will create a feeling of family that will remain with them forever.

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